Piano | Percussion | Practise
Piano | Percussion | Practise
Piano | Percussion | Practise

About Me

Thanks for stopping by! I am an amateur pianist and composer from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

I took to music during the pandemic and am currently learning the piano, drums, and a bucket load of theory:

For piano I started 4 April 2020 under the tuition of Julia Kourtidis of JKM Tuition – https://www.jkmtutition.com/

For drums I started 18 Jan 2023) under the tuition of Marcus McLachlan otherwise known as LearnSomeDrums – https://www.youtube.com/@learnsomedrums

My interests are largely around piano, contemporary classical with jazz influences.

For formal study I am using:

  • Trinity College London Classical / Jazz Piano Performance grading
  • Rockschool Drums

If you want to reach out for a chat, please drop me a line via my Contact page.